Private Chefs: Living In or Living Out

There are primarily two working models that private chefs may face: living in or living out of the client’s estate, depending on the lifestyle and preference of that client.

These days, living out is by far the most common. It entails making your own housing arrangements, and commuting to the client’s residence. When living out, the chef’s schedule is more structured, although you still have to be flexible for last minute changes.

Living In

In a live-in scenario, the chef is given a room, suite, cottage, or apartment on the client’s property. There may be housing separated from the main residence where other staff members also live. While accommodation is rent-free, the chef is more likely to be on call throughout the day to prepare meals or snacks, as requested. As such, the chef is an active and more integrated part of the household.

One of the main benefits to the client of this arrangement, is the expectation that the chef will be more available to them throughout the day. Certainly, the chef is better positioned to respond quickly to short-notice changes or last minute requests, like an unscheduled meal. For households that entertain often, or have unpredictable schedules, having the chef at hand is a significant advantage. 

A benefit to the chef, besides the money saved from rent and time saved from commuting, is the offset of other monthly costs. Staff meals at the home are covered, there’s the convenience of having no utility bills, and some households even take care of your laundry.

On the other hand, for both chef and family, the line between work and personal life can blur, leading to potential privacy issues.  A major downside for the chef is being unable to host your own guests, and having limited access to the property, especially during off-work hours. In addition, it can be challenging to establish clear boundaries between work hours and personal time, to avoid burnout.

Live-in jobs are best suited to single, unattached individuals.


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